info iconEdition of 512

Blobby, the fifth generator and first interactive token on fxhash, is Malaysian new music pianist and creative coder Sam Tsao’s genesis project. These hypnotic, colorful, and fun microorganisms of code invite viewers to experience how much joy exists in simple shapes, interactivity, and play.

Sam is regarded as one of the earliest formative artists from HEN (Hic Et Nunc) days — the first groundbreaking art platform on Tezos. In those early days, Sam’s pieces exhibited strong elements of fluidity both in color and shapes, though straight lines were most predominant.

“Only after seeing Zach Lieberman's blobs did I break out of that box. I was just captivated by how frivolous, expressive and fun blobs are. Since then, I have always tried to capture those feelings in my work. Any and all blobs that I make are a direct homage to Zach's blobs. Still, after deeper reflection, blobs are the circle's more wobbly cousin. A kind of wonky primitive. And primitives lend themselves well to iteration and exploration.”

This last phrase really struck me.

Blob Forms, Zach Lieberman
Blob Forms, Zach Lieberman

blob pack study, Zach Lieberman
blob pack study, Zach Lieberman

After some introspection, I understood why it had such a deep impact on me. Back in November 2021, fxhash was itself a primitive in the same way Sam describes blobs. The platform was an unexplored land lending itself to openness in its fullest form, inciting wonder and feelings of endless possibilities in its first adventurers. It’s in the midst of this primordial soup of talent and generative experimentation that these fun and nonchalant Blobbies came into existence as early inhabitants.

Blobby collection, Sam Tsao
Blobby collection, Sam Tsao

None of the 512 Blobbies is quite like another. Some are complex and organic, reminiscent of exotic sea anemones from the depths of an idyllic generative coral reef. On the opposite side of the spectrum, others are round(er), subtle, minimalistic, but equally fascinating nonetheless. There is definitely a Blobby for everyone.

Blobby #99, Sam Tsao
Blobby #99, Sam Tsao

Although Sam does not consider themselves an fxhash pioneer but rather as “someone lucky enough to be one of the first in line,” there is much to be said about how swiftly this project introduced novel elements like interactivity, 3D graphics, and play to the platform.

“There are many modes and forms of interaction. The interaction that I'm concerned with is giving viewers agency over the system that I created. Like in Infinite Browse and Spirograph, where the state of the image that they are seeing depends on them. I feel like it makes the viewer more invested in the art in a way an essay written in second person does.”

Blobby #30, Sam Tsao
Blobby #30, Sam Tsao

Blobby represents a turning point on my path as a generative art collector. In many ways, it was the aha moment in which I realized the immense possibilities of fxhash and understood we were definitely onto something bigger than I initially expected. I’ve long wanted to write about Blobby because it synthesizes the playfulness and spirit of experimentation that lies at the heart of fxhash.

Artist's Description
A sphere that has been contorted (or not) in various fashions! The spike level indicates how dense the protrusions are and the displacement level indicates how far these protrusions go. If any of those are 0, you'll get a flat sphere.
Blobby #1
Blobby #2
Blobby #3
Blobby #4
Blobby #5
Blobby #6
Blobby #7
Blobby #8
Blobby #9
Blobby #10
Blobby #11
Blobby #12
Blobby #13
Blobby #14
Blobby #15
Blobby #16
Blobby #17
Blobby #18
Blobby #19
Blobby #20
Blobby #21
Blobby #22
Blobby #23
Blobby #24
Blobby #25
Blobby #26
Blobby #27
Blobby #28
Blobby #29
Blobby #30
Blobby #31
Blobby #32
Blobby #33
Blobby #34
Blobby #35